Learn the Top-Down Turkish Get-Up in just 5 days!
The Top Down TGU Challenge is a 5 day school to teach you how to do a Turkish get-up!
When you participate you get:
a totally Rad 90's hip Hop workout playlist
AND a Killer 15 minute WORKOUT to strengthen your whole body!
Strength, muscle, skill and balance
Mastery of the Turkish Get-Up!
A love of kettlebells and hunger to learn more!!
Who should participate?
Anyone and everyone that can move, wants to get STRONG, mobile and even MORE AWESOME!
You DON'T need to know how to use kettlebells.
WE are doing these get-ups UNWEIGHTED, aka naked.I am teaching you all that you need to know, so all you need to do is show up, have a can-do attitude, and capture your progress with your phone!
How to participate?
Enter your email address HERE to receive your Playlist and Daily
Tutorials!Post a video OR still (photo) of yourself each day on Instagram doing the movement for that day.
When you post, tag me (@sarahsmithstrength) and use the hashtags
#kettlebells4coolkids #topdowntguchallenge in your posts each day!Post ALL 5 movements and then the entire Top Down TGU on day five to qualify!
You must have posted ALL 5 movements to qualify for a prize! NO EQUIPMENT REQUIRED! -Your name will be entered to win a FREE shirt during our next prize drawing!
All you need To PARTICIPATE!
Watch the tutorial for the day-it comes in your email!
Do the movement.
Film it.
Post it-Tag me and use the hashtags #topdownTGUchallenge and #kettlebells4cooldkids
Lots of folks think that the Turkish get-up is too difficult, complicated or advanced, but join this challenge and SEE that you can master this movement, build your strength and mobility and feel like a bad-ass in just 5 days!!